A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol 120 Min.

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Variante: unbekannt (2006)

A Christmas Carol

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6 Bewertungen

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1 Sterne

Classic for a reason

Stephanie aus Neuenhof am 02.02.2023

Bewertungsnummer: 1871753

Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

Though, the concept of looking back and/or onto your own life, either through dreams or some supernatural way, isn’t entirely new to me it’s still one of the concepts that is so endlessly rewarding when done well. And the way Charles Dickens wrote this is done very well! It’s about Ebenezer Scrooge who has misgivings about nearly everything and everyone and is a very unpleasant fellow to have around in general. The story plays during Christmas time which is, or ought to be, a festive time filled with joy, happiness and love. Yet to Scrooge this particular season can’t pass quickly enough. What with people wanting to rip off his money for purposes unbefitting of his acceptance seeing that there are organisations and institutions which are still operating to care for the poor and destitude. Why then did one have to provide even more? It turns out, all he needed in order to see what really mattered in life was to have him be visited by his late business partner (with whom he had shared his dismal mood) who would help him see, would help him understand. I enjoyed this story overall, but most of all the author’s take on morality and his writing style. I’m just a sucker for the way one wrote and spoke all these years ago. If you would like to try a classic but are intimidated by the thick and seemingly challenging books like Anna Karenina, etc. then this short story might be for you - Hugh Grant does an excellent job at narrating it, if audiobooks are more your thing

Classic for a reason

Stephanie aus Neuenhof am 02.02.2023
Bewertungsnummer: 1871753
Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

Though, the concept of looking back and/or onto your own life, either through dreams or some supernatural way, isn’t entirely new to me it’s still one of the concepts that is so endlessly rewarding when done well. And the way Charles Dickens wrote this is done very well! It’s about Ebenezer Scrooge who has misgivings about nearly everything and everyone and is a very unpleasant fellow to have around in general. The story plays during Christmas time which is, or ought to be, a festive time filled with joy, happiness and love. Yet to Scrooge this particular season can’t pass quickly enough. What with people wanting to rip off his money for purposes unbefitting of his acceptance seeing that there are organisations and institutions which are still operating to care for the poor and destitude. Why then did one have to provide even more? It turns out, all he needed in order to see what really mattered in life was to have him be visited by his late business partner (with whom he had shared his dismal mood) who would help him see, would help him understand. I enjoyed this story overall, but most of all the author’s take on morality and his writing style. I’m just a sucker for the way one wrote and spoke all these years ago. If you would like to try a classic but are intimidated by the thick and seemingly challenging books like Anna Karenina, etc. then this short story might be for you - Hugh Grant does an excellent job at narrating it, if audiobooks are more your thing


Nostalgie und Weihnachtsstimmung

Bewertung am 30.12.2022

Bewertungsnummer: 1851089

Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

Ein kleines Meisterwerk, das die vorweihnachtliche Freude ankurbelt wie früher das nächste Törchen beim Adventskalender. Ist Weihnachten nah, kann Scrooge nicht fern sein. Obwohl die Geschichte und ihr Ausgang längst kein Geheimnis mehr sind, empfand ich beim Lesen das reinste Vergnügen. Noch nie hat bei mir ein Buch ein solches Weihnachtsgefühl ausgelöst wie dieses. Jetzt ist mir auch klar, woher die ganzen Verfilmungen kommen. Die Geschichte ist simpel und doch verzaubert sie. Nostalgie und Weihnachtsstimmung verbünden sich zur idealen Lektüre in der Adventszeit. Ein Buch, das man zwar nur einmal im Jahr lesen kann, dafür aber alle Jahre wieder!

Nostalgie und Weihnachtsstimmung

Bewertung am 30.12.2022
Bewertungsnummer: 1851089
Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

Ein kleines Meisterwerk, das die vorweihnachtliche Freude ankurbelt wie früher das nächste Törchen beim Adventskalender. Ist Weihnachten nah, kann Scrooge nicht fern sein. Obwohl die Geschichte und ihr Ausgang längst kein Geheimnis mehr sind, empfand ich beim Lesen das reinste Vergnügen. Noch nie hat bei mir ein Buch ein solches Weihnachtsgefühl ausgelöst wie dieses. Jetzt ist mir auch klar, woher die ganzen Verfilmungen kommen. Die Geschichte ist simpel und doch verzaubert sie. Nostalgie und Weihnachtsstimmung verbünden sich zur idealen Lektüre in der Adventszeit. Ein Buch, das man zwar nur einmal im Jahr lesen kann, dafür aber alle Jahre wieder!


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A Christmas Carol

von Charles Dickens


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L. Himstedt

Thalia Berlin – Gesundbrunnen Center

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The Christmas Classic

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

We all know the story of Ebenezer Scrouge and his aversion to Christmas! This is such a heart-warming classic and it is actually quite easy to read, although it is by Dickens! I read this last year and want to make it a little Christmas tradition to reread it every Christmas season!!
  • L. Himstedt
  • Buchhändler/-in

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The Christmas Classic

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

We all know the story of Ebenezer Scrouge and his aversion to Christmas! This is such a heart-warming classic and it is actually quite easy to read, although it is by Dickens! I read this last year and want to make it a little Christmas tradition to reread it every Christmas season!!

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A Christmas Carol

von Charles Dickens

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  • A Christmas Carol