Oxford University PressSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
25,1/18,8/1,5 cm
For many teachers and teacher education students, research is initially, a daunting prospect. Educational Research: Creative Thinking and Doing, Second Edition, is an accessible and engaging text which introduces students to the broad field of educational research and demonstrates how to use research when thinking about issues arising from educational and social policy, as well as schools and classrooms, within organizational and institutional contexts. Assuming no previous experience, the book covers the basic principles, reviewing imperatives and theoretical approaches, and explains how to tackle the necessary processes and procedures for conducting research and presenting the results. The new edition has been updated to highlight the contemporary focus on mixed methodology and collaborative research, and there is increased coverage of research in science and social science educational contexts to balance with its emphasis on helping arts and humanities teacher education students to use and to do research.
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