Della's Destiny - A Women's Adventure Around Australia with Her Horse and Dog
52,99 €
inkl. MwSt,
Publicious Pty LtdSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
20,3/12,7/1,3 cm
260 g
Della's Destiny is a compelling, true story of an inspirational woman named Maricy and her best mates, Della and Lucky. All of the money raised on the Charity walk went to the Animal Welfare League, where Maricy and Della happily volunteer their time. Maricy kept a diary as she and the animals trekked from New South Wales to visit Red Dog in Dampier, Western Australia having many adventures and quite a few mishaps along the way. Having financed the trip herself, she could not have completed it without the help and advice of her friends and the assistance of transport, food, lodging and advice given by the many generous locals and back-packers she met along the way. This adventure is about how we all struggle on every day. However, somehow we find a reason to keep on going. A portion of the proceeds from the sales of this book will be donated to The Animal Welfare League of Queensland to support the great work they do on behalf of Queensland's homeless and abandoned animals.
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