The Little Book of Hygge The Danish Way to Live Well
12,99 €
19,50 €
inkl. MwSt,
Gebundene Ausgabe
Penguin Books LtdSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
17,9/13,4/2,7 cm
511 g
Guaranteed to bring warmth and comfort into your life, The Little Book of Hygge is the book we all need.
Hygge has been described as everything from "cosines of the soul" to "the pursuit of everyday pleasures". The Little Book of Hygge is the book we all need right now, and is guaranteed to bring warmth and comfort to you and your loved ones this winter.
Hooga? Hhyooguh? Heurgh? It is not really important how you choose to pronounce 'hygge'. What is important is that you feel it. Whether you're cuddled up on a sofa with a loved one, or sharing comfort food with your closest friends, hygge is about creating an atmosphere where you can let your guard down.
The Little Book of Hygge is the definitive, must-read introduction to hygge, written by Meik Wiking, CEO of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen. The book is packed full of original research on hygge, along with beautiful photographs, recipes and ideas to help you add a sprinkle of Danish magic to your life.
From fans of The Little Book of Hygge:
'It's the cosiest book in the world!'
'This book is made for lovers of creature comforts'
'Perfect for reading on a stormy January night'
'A lovely book to read during winter months, it helps you detach from the chaos of life'
'If you want a book that takes you to a happy place every time, buy this one'
Sunday Times bestseller, November 2016
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