Family Sharing
One Sweet Dream is a powerful true story of the human will to persevere against overwhelming odds and journey of spirituality. It displays the true meaning of unconditional love from a complete stranger. It reminds us the human needs for belonging and connecting to one another. Above all, it shows how God plans our path perfectly at the right time.
As a young girl, travel was a way of life for Betiel Zereay. Part of the Ethiopian diaspora, Betiel eagerly looked forward to returning to her birthplace, Addis Abeba, during her school holidays to visit her loved ones.
In her twenties, travel brings out her passion to discover new cultures, new countries and extraordinary people. While living in London, she has a compelling dream about the father she had never met. The dream prompts her to make contact with her deceased father's side of family.
In 2005, her itchy feet take her to Europe where she connects with her newly found family. The dream leads her on personal journey through different continents, where beautiful pieces of puzzles of her life are revealed at different times, places and put all together to reveal an astonishing story.
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