Family Sharing
Are you focused on attracting more interested readers to your mailing list?
Do you struggle to understand why more aren't joining?
Do you feel that the current expert advice on growing mailing lists falls short or seems to resemble an episode of 'Hoarders."
Let Barb Drozdowich, multi-published author and technical trainer to authors help you take a more holistic view of the topic of mailing lists.
Strategies to Grow Your List is part of a 3-book box set - The Complete Mailing List Toolkit. Each book attacks a different facet of the subject of communicating with readers. In this book you will discover:
- how to take a holistic view of attracting readers to join you
- how to harness all the access points readers can find out about your mailing list
- how to overcome the common stumbling blocks
Strategies to Grow Your List will provide you with actionable items to step up your game. You will have a better understanding of how to attract more readers and move on to the next step of communication with readers and potential fans.
Pick up a copy today!
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