Wings of Earth - Scatter the Winds
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Family Sharing
On the Run and Betrayed
Kylla Torrance leads a mission to establish a sanctuary where genetically engineered Augments can live in peace, beyond the reach of the Shan Takhu Institute.
She knows the truth about the Institute's ominous plans to control the ancient alien technologies left behind in the Solar System, and that only engineered humans can fully access their potential.
People like her. And her team.
When someone on the Agamemnon sells her out to pirates, Kylla's plans spin into chaos. Worse yet, a telepathic slave hunter seeks to crush the threat she represents to the Institute's hold on power.
With the help of a mutinous officer, Kylla has one chance to give her people hope for a future, but to succeed they must disappear into the deep.
If you can imagine Cowboy Bebop and Star Trek existing in the same universe, you will want to grab this exciting Wings of Earth standalone novel now!
5 Star Review for Wings of Earth - Scatter the Winds.
Scatter the Winds takes space opera in a new direction with a hard-SF core. Eric M. Craig delivers a story that keeps you turning the pages and staying up past your bedtime to read "just one more chapter". If you are a fan of the gritty realism of The Expanse, or the rough-and-tumble grit and humor of Firefly, then I highly recommend you pick up Scatter the Winds. -Geoff Habiger, Readers' Favorite
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