Family Sharing
Destiny and Other Dilemmas by Caroline Fleur
Brooke Stern seemed to have the perfect life - until she didn't. After an unexpected turn of events that shook her marriage of fifteen years, she must navigate her new normal as a single, independent woman. Juggling her son's food allergies, her demanding career, and a growing interest in a mysterious man, she's determined to restart her life and find a clear path ahead. When she finally reclaims her courage, she is confronted with the harsh consequences of her choices. Any step forward is a potential risk as she tries to make the best decisions for herself and the future of her family. That is, if destiny doesn't step in and decide for her.
But nothing is written in stone... or is it?
"Beautifully written. Fleur has a flair for storytelling and scene setting. The journey keeps readers on their toes with surprising twists encircling the trials and tribulations of life, love, parenting, and career." - L.L. Tremblay, author of Seven Roses
Published: April 2021 by Heart Leaf Publishing
Language: English
Print Length: 299 pages
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