William ColemanSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
22,9/15,2/2,2 cm
606 g
Alex Dunn was a good cop until a bad domestic call leaves two of his fellow officers dead and his partner bound to a wheelchair. Making things worse, the man responsible walks on a technicality. Shortly after, Alex is recruited into a secret organization that targets criminals who manage to skirt the system and remain untouchable despite their obvious guilt. He becomes one of their best operatives, making a comfortable living supplemented with the satisfaction that he is ridding society of some of its worst elements. A hack into the organization's personnel files and an assigned target, who is not a criminal, changes everything. Alex survives an attempt on his life but learns the rest of the team, with the exception of their receptionist, has been eliminated. With both the FBI and assassins on his trail, it is up to Alex to protect the receptionist while searching for whomever pulled the plug on the organization. Encountering challenges every step of the way, he follows any clue that will lead him to a chance for PAYBACK.
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