Family Sharing
Nola is doomed. She and her childhood friend, Gregor, have been engaged for years. Nola's happy just coasting along, but her long-suffering fiancé has forced the issue and her parents are backing him up. Gregor's her best friend and confidant, but Nola can't imagine him as a husband -- or a lover.
Now, mere hours before her wedding, Nola takes a walk to clear her head. Sitting on the hill behind her parents' house, she looks down at the Fairy ring and makes a wish to find true passion before marrying a man more like a brother than a lover.
Craven, Master of Dark Desire, the Lord of the Flesh, and the Ruler of the Kingdom of Lust hears her wish. He transports Nola to a world filled with exotic creatures and erotic fantasies that are a dream come true. But fantasies never last… or do they?
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