Family Sharing
China -- I came to the US to further my education. I never counted on falling for a gruff biker who was so much older than me. But Blades never hesitated when I told him I was pregnant. He was the best man I'd ever met… until he went to prison. All our lives unraveled after that. My daughter was taken from me, and I was sold. I thought I'd never escape the hell of being exploited and abused, until he walked through the doors again, looking like a wrathful angel. He may have saved me, but do I really deserve his love?
Blades -- Being falsely accused of murder was bad enough. Finding out someone stole my woman and daughter was another. Our precious little Meiling found herself a good man, and she's safe. Now I need to save her mother. My China. I'm going to gut everyone who dared to touch her and send them all straight to hell… then I'll do whatever it takes to prove to her she's safe with me, and that I've never stopped loving her. China and Meiling are my entire world, and I'm going to protect them -- this time.
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