Designing Synthetic Methods and Natural Products Synthesis
39,80 €
inkl. MwSt,
Gebundene Ausgabe
mit 100 Amit 105 Amit 8 Abbildungenngenen, 105 Abb., 8 Abb.
GNT-Verlag GmbHSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
25,1/17,7/3,5 cm
943 g
LARRY E. OVERMAN , born in 1943 in Chicago, had joined the newly founded Faculty of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine in 1971. It became his homebase for more than 50 years until his retirement as Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus.
How come that he and his wife had chosen Irvine? That over 300 graduate students and postdocs have chosen his lab? That he served also as Chair of the Chemistry Section of the US National Academy of Science, as a founder and consultant in the pharmaceutical industry? Who were his mentors, his professional friends? Why did he early on chase “new chemical reactivity” after his first unexpected discovery? Which of his natural product total syntheses are textbook knowledge today? Who of his students became leaders, even a Nobel Laureate? Larry provides answers.
He managed challenges with impressive rigor and elegance. His students praise him and his unique “Let’s see what happens” and “research is a group endeavor” approach!
Weitere Bände von Lives in Chemistry – Lebenswerke in der Chemie. ISSN 2747-8696
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