Bloody whispers of the dark fae queen. Life is a Story - story.one
18,00 €
inkl. MwSt,
Gebundene Ausgabe
mit 15 Farbabbildungen
Maße (L/B/H)
20,9/13,2/0,9 cm
200 g
Deutsch, Englisch
When Elyons sister vanishes into the depths of the forbidden forest, Elyon must brave the darkness to uncover the truth. Drawn by a hauntingly sweet voice that promises answers, Elyon plunges into a realm where beauty is a facade and danger lurks in every shadow. The forest is alive with malevolent faeries and ancient elven ruins, their beauty corrupted by dark magic and sinister enchantments. As Elyon navigates this treacherous landscape, she uncovers the chilling truth about the faeries true nature and the dark forces that have ensnared her sister. With each step deeper into the forest, Elyon must confront her deepest fears and unravel the malevolent secrets of the faerie realm. In a nightmarish journey where nothing is as it seems, Elyons search for her sister becomes a fight for her own survival against the encroaching darkness. Will Elyon rescue her sister and escape the cursed forest or will she fail and die..
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