How to Build an Ocean. Life is a Story - story.one
18,00 €
inkl. MwSt,
Gebundene Ausgabe
mit 13 Farbabbildungen
Maße (L/B/H)
20,9/13,2/0,8 cm
176 g
Deutsch, Englisch
Josey has always been passionate about the Ocean. She does not even need to see it in real life to know, she was born to study it. She is not the only one for whom the Ocean is a faraway dream. But as her new colleagues know, if you cannot go to the Ocean, you make the Ocean come to you. When she starts working at a Research institute built around an enormous aquarium, seeing an Ocean every day becomes a reality. But she also must find her place in the wondrous microcosm of artists and scientists that has sprung up around the five-storey aquarium. Not every process is always logical and not every social dynamic is easy to understand as a newcomer. And it is not long before a mistake brings to light the cracks in the façade. How to build an Ocean tells the story of three women in research who pave their own way with determination, and who will try to prove a point vehemently when cornered.
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