Family Sharing
Changeling Press LLCSeitenzahl
262 KB
Four women choose to homestead on lunar colony Leman in search of new beginnings. They're in for a wild ride!
A pair of shapeshifting wolves have adopted Lainey's new farm on the agri-moon Leman as their home. Though wild, winning their favor is considered lucky. They have a sense of sexuality that other women would pay anything to taste. And they've chosen her. Lainey's not crying wolf. She's crying "God, yes, harder!"
Bold, independent, and free, Callie's worked hard to become the best courier on Leman. And she's not the only one to notice. Two stallions shadow her every move. They may be young, but these native shapeshifters are as adventurous as Callie, and they're set on proving they're old enough to handle her.
Some folks are victims. Some are survivors. Delia's not sure she believes the stories about Leman's beasts, animals who can take on man shape. But they believe in her -- and in what they've scented waiting under the armor she's plated around her heart. These two great cats plan to show their human cougar how much they appreciate what they see.
Rosemary, unofficial guardian of Leman, has waited -- patiently, and not so patiently -- in fierce hope of one day drawing the attention of the agri-moon's strange and wonderful animals who become men. But after her fortieth birthday, she's begun to doubt her dreams, and let her hopes drift away. Until, that is, she finds herself receiving an unexpected visitor. The first, in fact, of three...
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