Fun and Games for Cats!

Fun and Games for Cats!

18,99 €

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David & Charles





For most of my very long life I have had at least one cat and generally two. I am above all a "cat person". Therefore, I thought that I knew a great deal about cats, and I do. Yet this little book unlike any I have come across before, has taught me a great deal that I did not know. Some people genuinely believe that cats are purely self-centred, and have no sense of humour. Nothing could be further from the truth. Moreover, no two cats are alike. What some cats find really funny has little effect on others, and it is a question of finding out just what your cat likes. There are all kinds of games that can be organised for cats, and of course there are various objects that they like. One of my recent cats liked nothing better than a ping-pong ball, with which he would tear around the house knocking over anything that got in the way. Also, there are some cats that really do seem to prefer to be on their own whereas others are much happier with companions. This regulates the choice of toys and games that should be provided. A huge number are offered in these pages, and I must say the illustrations are truly beautiful. The book must have taken a long time to compile. If you are merely an ordinary cat lover, you will learn a lot. But even if you feel that you have always been at one with cats, you will find it equally valuable. There are some particularly useful hints. For example, the list of objects that should not be given to cats, because they are dangerous. I would also like to see a list of plants that should be avoided at all costs - for example lilies. I used to have some rather nice decorative lilies in the hall of my home; when I was warned [about the dangers to cats] I promptly took them away and put them well out of reach! In every way I strongly recommend this book. There are things here that will certainly make your cats life even happier than it already is! Go and buy it. -Sir Patrick Moore, CBE FRS







David & Charles



Maße (L/B/H)

17,2/22,2/1,5 cm


392 g





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