Arthritis: What Exercises Work
Breakthrough Relief for the Rest of Your Life, Even After Drugs and Surgery Have Failed
18,99 €
inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.Beschreibung
St. Martin's Publishing GroupSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
20,7/13,9/1,6 cm
What is the most powerful arthritis treatment ever developed to help restore you to a healthy, pain-free, and vigorous life--for the rest of your life?
It's the very same breakthrough that has:
--Helped more arthritis sufferers than drugs, surgery, or any other treatment--without dangerous side effects.
--Been widely prescribed by medical doctors and other health practitioners.
The answer? Exercise.
Here are the right exercised for your kind of arthritis, pain-level, age, occupation, and hobbies.
And they're the most effective exercises for arthritis available anywhere--rated "best" by arthritis sufferers themselves in an unprecedented nationwide survey...supported by medical doctors...and backed by the latest research.
only this book has them.
Let Arthritis: What Exercises Work work wonders in ending your arthritis pain--forever!
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