Family Sharing
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All she really wanted was a little family time before she was out of time. Alas, being an escaped teen with superpowers meant complications often followed.
Jocelyn hoped to enjoy her first holidays since breaking out of Camp Holliwell. She has good friends, an adoring boyfriend, and a dream to become a musician. But the choice between just a girl and superhero soldier is tested to extremes.
Her brother is used as bait, her friend is kidnapped, and an army of test experiments are being trained and brainwashed by the government to be used against her and the country. Freedom, a family, a future, or even a "date night" seem impossible with the government's constant oppression. The clock is ticking as Jocelyn's own termination date looms closer. But that's nothing when faced with her little brother's rapid deterioration and her desperate attempts to recover the stolen cure. Jocelyn must navigate dangerous terrain while struggling to hold onto her humanity and her heart.
Graeme loves Jocelyn but her past stands between them, and forces him and the crew to use their unique gifts to bring truth, justice, and hope to all who need it. But in a country that has lost its voice and its integrity, it's not always clear who's on their side.
As a new generation of heroes rises, a previous generation, known as The Underground, quietly surfaces to support the cause. The stakes have never been higher, but together, they'll fight for what's right to bring back the dream that's been lost, and if time allows, save a few lives and souls in the process.
9 Awards, 8 Friends, Endless Villains, 1 rollicking good time!
"A thrilling adventure for all ages!" - USA TODAY Bestselling Author, Lynne Marshall
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