T2Pneuma Publishers LLCSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
22,9/15,2/1,2 cm
315 g
Our image of God reveals not only God's character, but our own. Jesus' parables reveal a God who is intentionally available to those who seek him. They invite the listener to enter the narrative and engage with God one-on-one to expand our understanding of faith and of ourselves. The image of God in the New Testament takes at least three forms: The person of Jesus, Jesus' teaching about the kingdom of God with the parables, and the founding of the church on Pentecost by the Holy Spirit. In this book I will focus on the image of God the Father found in the parables. The authenticity of the parables as Jesus' own words is seldom questioned, in part, because Jesus' parables are unique, a genre unto themselves, but not a typical genre. A typical genre might adhere to a particular structure or story form, but not a parable. Image of God in the Parables is written in a devotional format with a reflection, prayers, and questions for study. Cover art by C. Hiemstra (2023), The Lost Sheep, Used with Permission. Hear the words; walk the steps; experience the joy! Author Stephen W. Hiemstra (MDiv, Ph.D.) is a slave of Christ, husband, father, author, and volunteer pastor. He lives in Centreville, Virginia with Maryam, his wife of more than thirty-five years. They have three grown children.
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