Key People & Wars: Astonishing Individuals & Crucial Conflicts (Key History, #3)
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Key People & Wars is a collection of short biographies of important Western military and intelligence figures and brief histories of critical conflicts that have helped shape the modern world.
From the founder of Special Forces, the would-be King of Mexico, and the man who taught the FBI to shoot, to the Battle of Manila, the Boer Wars, the Battle of Fallujah and more, Bayard & Holmes bring fifty years of military and intelligence experience to their narrative style to illuminate the heroes and events of the past that laid foundation for the world dynamics of today.
"When it comes to research into the clandestine depths of spycraft, the dynamic duo of Bayard & Holmes have put together a must-read series that is written with authority and is easily digestible.
~ James Rollins, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author
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