Band 1
Intelligent Infinity
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"Because of Matthias Galke's awareness of the similarity of all of these religions and the Law of One, he is able to make inspiring correlations between the Law of One and these religions that creates a many-faceted jewel that can be appreciated and used in anyone's spiritual journey." (Jim McCarty) Who am I? Where am I from? Where do I go? What's the point? The answer of the mystics and sages of all cultures and of all times to these questions is in essence: You are the universe becoming aware of itself. Tat tvam asi. One of the most succinct and elegant modern formulations of this timeless spiritual concept of the fundamental Oneness of All is the Law of One. "You are every thing, every being, every feeling, every event, every situation. You are Oneness. You are Infinity. You are Love/Light, Light/Love. You are. This is the Law of One." The Law of One was transmitted between 1981 and 1984 during the Ra contact and is considered to be the highest quality channeled information material ever. It proves to be a convincing and consistent theoretical model, with the help of which the findings of empirical science and the spiritual insights of the various wisdom traditions can be integrated into a consistent world view based on the evolution of consciousness. Such a model cannot replace personal experience, but it can make it plausible that a certain striving for insight into one's own nature is gradually becoming necessary for survival in the 21st century. The first volume of this book series - "Intelligent Infinity" - deals with the metaphysical foundations of a creation, which presents itself as a manifestation of a creative consciousness. Connections and similarities with different spiritual traditions, such as the Kabbalah, Hermetics and the Vedas on the one hand, as well as current scientific and humanistic findings such as quantum physics or information theory on the other hand, are shown. "Ra's words, delivered in 1981, are arguably the ultimate source of accurate extraterrestrial information that has surfaced in recent history." (David Wilcock)
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