If I get this down, I'll get it off my mind.. Life is a Story - story.one
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For as long as i can remember, writing has been my therapy.I spent 10 years writing my thoughts, my problems, my highlights in journals. My method to help me process and articulate my problems, was to write in poem form. Inspired by my late Grandma who left behind her journals which i inherited, Her entries were all written in poetic verses.I began to write and quickly found how much it helped me to find the words to understand my emotions better. I would write and write, close the book, and walk away with a freer mind. 'If I get this down, I'll get it off my mind' is a collection of those poems between 2014-2020 which, in retrospect and in the process of making this book, mean a great deal to me and my growth. And now, finally, I'm ready to share.Deep, Introspective, Funny, Reflective, Dark and Romantic.A dedication to my younger self and anyone who is going through something that, in the moment, they may not quite understand. Life is a journey, and here's a part of mine
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