Gebundene Ausgabe
mit 18 Abbildungen
Story.one publishingSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
20,9/13,2/0,9 cm
200 g
2004, Shanghai. A 12-year-old girl sees her new classmate, Wolfgang, and all of a sudden she understands what love means. Padma was always a wallflower in a world full of loud people. She didn't think loving Wolfie ever be anything more than a secret. But two years later when Wolfie was to leave China forever, Padma is devastated. She's used to saying goodbye, but saying it to Wolfie? The words can't leave her mouth. Then came an email; the flutter of a butterfly's wings in 2006 become the profound event that would forever transform Wolfie and Padma years later. Call it fate, call it destiny, call it whatever you want. The word does not matter. All I know is it happened, and the tale is as extraordinary as the circumstances. What you will read is all true. Names have been changed but the story is completely intact. Take a journey with Wolfie and Padma as they navigate from adolescence into adulthood, and as they are unknowingly pulled together by the Red Thread of Fate.
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