Gebundene Ausgabe
mit 14 Abbildungen
Story.one publishingSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
20,9/13,2/0,8 cm
181 g
Deutsch, Englisch
Roommates. A word that sparks excitement, and maybe a little fear, in the hearts of students, young professionals and certainly expats. Moving to Vienna when you are in between that stage of being a young professional and an established money-making expert, a question inevitably arises: How many roommates does it take to live with before finally being able to comfortably get a place on your own? One you want to flaunt to your surroundings and can feel proud of yourself in. And by get I mean rent, although buy could certainly apply as well. When I came to pristine Vienna in 2018, I came with full enthusiasm and with a range of roommie-experiences, or, wg-life and was unprepared for this city I have come to love. I quickly tumbled into a world of international expats, the UN-bubble, friends who became like family, cooking teachers and for the first time, scammers who did not want to pay for their own living.
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