The Age of Decay: How Aging and Shrinking Populations Could Usher in the Decline of Civilization
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Drawing on seemingly unrelated instances of essential worker shortages around the world, investment analyst Shamil Ismail connects the dots to build a compelling and well-researched narrative explaining why aging populations and declining birth rates are leading to a shrinking workforce of essential workers in developed countries, which could massively disrupt their societies and economies.
Ismail methodically unpacks the factors driving this escalating crisis, and shows why proposed solutions such as automation, AI, and raising the retirement age will not fix the problem. Ultimately, attitudes to immigration must change, as more and more affected countries will need to "import" workers and consumers to prop up their economies and maintain their standards of living.
When are we likely to see the first major signs of this new reality? Which countries will be first impacted, and by when? How will companies and investment markets be affected? What could the world look like in the decades to come? And what will this mean for the future of our children? Sifting through the data, trends, and forecasts, Ismail answers these intriguing questions, allowing us to prepare for the daunting future that lies ahead.
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