A Little Heart (Chronicles of the Graswangtal School of Witchcraft, #1)
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ab 13 Jahr(e)
Every heartbeat could be the magically gifted, wheelchair-bound girl's last... but, in an enchanted magic school, Helen discovers a powerful love that transcends her mortality.
Born with a weak heart that could give out on her at any time, Helen knows first-hand that her tomorrow can never be guaranteed. Still, she's determined to live life to its fullest and experience everything she can before her time is up. She winds up at Graswangtal Schoola mystical and whimsical training ground for learning sorcery and elemental magic. But Helen is no ordinary magic student... as she soon finds out.
Along her extraordinary magical journey, she crosses paths with Philip, a kindred spirit who becomes her guiding light in a world filled with wonder and uncertainty. Amidst ancient magic spells, moonlit dances, and the allure of forbidden knowledge that bestows god-like supernatural powers, their bond deepens. The universe they craft together is one of passion, empathy - and an everlasting love that defies all odds.
A Little Heart is an epic YA Fantasy masterpiece of powerful magic, friendship, and teen romance in an imaginative alternate reality world of magical realism and emotional discovery. Readers of all walks of life will love the heartwarming themes of resilience, empathy, and inclusion found in this unforgettable supernatural thriller.
"I would like to highlight the relationship between Philip and Helen, who save each other and share a deep bond, the development of which the reader watches with delight throughout the novel. Throughout there is a compelling honesty well-paced against the thrilling twists and turns; combining a deep emotional effect with an excitement that drags the reader to the edge of their seat beyond the final suspenseful moments." - Amazon Review
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