Family Sharing
This cookbook is a melting pot of international recipes from around the world! In The Meltin' Pot, you'll explore a wide range of cuisines as you learn to cook delicious entrees, soups, sauces, and even desserts from all over the globe.
You and your family will have a chance to experience a variety of culinary traditions as you try your hand at this diverse array of international cooking.
With 118 pages and over 50 recipes, Each recipe is accompanied by an attractive photograph and helpful hints.
The Meltin' Pot! While the first thing that comes to mind would be cheese, when I named my book this was the furthest thing from my mind. As a chef, I love experimenting with dishes from many cultures, maybe it is the fact that I am from Guyana, home to six ethnic groups - The Indigenous Amerindian, the East Indians, Africans, Portuguese, Europeans and Chinese. Guyana is a melting pot of cultures, a culture that celebrates everything with food, I wanted to know more, I was inquisitive, and that rich culinary culture fuelled my passion.
One of the recipes in my cookbook is Pepperpot, I am partial to Asian food but this is my most favorite dish to prepare. Pepperpot is the National dish of Guyana, origination from the Native people. While it can be prepared year-round, it is the cornerstone dish of Christmas celebrations, Christmas in Guyana doesn't seem quite complete without it.
In addition to some signature Guyanese dishes, I have included in my book, a taste of ethnicities from around the world, many being part of the fabric that is my heritage. So come into my kitchen and cook with me.
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