Herstory repeats itself. Life is a Story - story.one

Herstory repeats itself. Life is a Story - story.one

18,00 €

inkl. MwSt, Versandkostenfrei




Gebundene Ausgabe




mit 16 Abbildungen


Story.one publishing



Maße (L/B/H)

20,9/13,2/0,9 cm


190 g








Gebundene Ausgabe




mit 16 Abbildungen


Story.one publishing



Maße (L/B/H)

20,9/13,2/0,9 cm


190 g





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4 Bewertungen

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5 Sterne

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1 Sterne


The power of conversation. Deeply moving!

ancla_books4life aus Schwerte am 01.10.2024

Bewertungsnummer: 2306367

Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

**** What is it about? **** The band's success is based on the mutual trust that they have shared the worst of the worst. But what does that actually mean? There was this one night that changed everything. An attempt to inspire lyrics turned into a conversation that none of the band members will ever forget. Want to know what secrets were shared? **** My impression **** Even several days after finishing the story, my mouth is still open. The author has managed to depict so many strokes of fate, traumas and strengths in so few pages that I am left speechless. Emotionally charged and close to tears throughout, I let every single line sink in and gained the utmost respect for this kind of storytelling. Emotional, in the best way I can imagine, because these are moments that remain and create understanding for each other. A world between friends, family of choice and that which shapes. History repeats itself or can the Rat finally be broken? A question that remains with the reader at the end and thus lingers, works in you and motivates you to do better, to do things differently or simply to take your loved ones in your arms and remain without words for a moment. Excellently written, authentically told and interspersed with love, understanding and criticism in the details. **** Recommendation? **** A good book moves in its very own way, an excellent book creates moments that you can't forget, for whatever reason. A highlight, read it if you are mentally stable enough!

The power of conversation. Deeply moving!

ancla_books4life aus Schwerte am 01.10.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2306367
Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

**** What is it about? **** The band's success is based on the mutual trust that they have shared the worst of the worst. But what does that actually mean? There was this one night that changed everything. An attempt to inspire lyrics turned into a conversation that none of the band members will ever forget. Want to know what secrets were shared? **** My impression **** Even several days after finishing the story, my mouth is still open. The author has managed to depict so many strokes of fate, traumas and strengths in so few pages that I am left speechless. Emotionally charged and close to tears throughout, I let every single line sink in and gained the utmost respect for this kind of storytelling. Emotional, in the best way I can imagine, because these are moments that remain and create understanding for each other. A world between friends, family of choice and that which shapes. History repeats itself or can the Rat finally be broken? A question that remains with the reader at the end and thus lingers, works in you and motivates you to do better, to do things differently or simply to take your loved ones in your arms and remain without words for a moment. Excellently written, authentically told and interspersed with love, understanding and criticism in the details. **** Recommendation? **** A good book moves in its very own way, an excellent book creates moments that you can't forget, for whatever reason. A highlight, read it if you are mentally stable enough!


A vulnerable, honest read

Bewertung am 13.04.2024

Bewertungsnummer: 2177099

Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

I had an idea on what the story was going to be about, but it took a different turn. The author manages to capture the wild, loose vibe of the 80s, while at the same time tackling intense and at times painful topics. We all carry some baggage, and this story is a reminder of the importance of having people around to share it with, people who care. Very good job by the author regarding the choice of words, the creative format and the experiences of the characters.

A vulnerable, honest read

Bewertung am 13.04.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2177099
Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

I had an idea on what the story was going to be about, but it took a different turn. The author manages to capture the wild, loose vibe of the 80s, while at the same time tackling intense and at times painful topics. We all carry some baggage, and this story is a reminder of the importance of having people around to share it with, people who care. Very good job by the author regarding the choice of words, the creative format and the experiences of the characters.


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Herstory repeats itself. Life is a Story - story.one

von Elise Marai


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  • Herstory repeats itself. Life is a Story - story.one