Gebundene Ausgabe
Maße (L/B/H)
20,9/13,2/0,8 cm
181 g
A small planet closely orbits its neighboring star, and always with the same face it looks at it in awe. Thus the planet is divided into two distinct halves. On one side, the land where the Sun never rises or sets, but stays fixed on its spot in the sky. On the other side, whatever may be remains shrouded in dark, unseen and unknown due to the absent touch of light. A civilization thrives in the land of the Sun, surrounded by perennial greens, fertile soil and warmth. They do not need to wonder about what lies beyond. They have each other, their daughters, and their home. But a trial has been set in stone by their ancestors, to test and determine who is fit enough to lead. To the very edge of the world they must travel, where the Sun finally hides and something else appears; a true secret of old well kept and concealed. What is this knowledge waiting patiently in the shadows? What does such a journey entail for the body, mind, and self? There is only one way to find out.
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