The Lantern of Lost Memories
A charming and heartwarming story for fans of cosy Japanese fiction
Buch (Taschenbuch, Englisch)
9,29 €
12,50 €
ab 18 Jahr(e)
Pan MacmillanOne photograph, one treasured memory, one chance to go back . . .
In Mr Hirasaka's cosy photography studio in the mountains between this world and the next, someone is waking up as if from a dream.
There is a stack of photos on their lap, one for every day of their life, and now they must choose the pictures that capture their most treasured memories, which will be placed in a beautiful lantern. Once completed, it will be set spinning, and their cherished moments will flash before their eyes, guiding them to another world.
But, like our most thumbed-over photographs, our favourite memories fade with age. So each visitor to the studio has the chance to choose one day to return to and photograph afresh. Each has a treasured story to tell, from the old woman rebuilding a community in Tokyo after a disaster, to the flawed Yakuza man who remembers a time when he was kind, and a strong child who is fighting to survive.
Extraordinarily moving and wise, The Lantern of Lost Memories is a beautiful Japanese tale about the people that make us and the moments that change us.
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