• The Hobbit or There And Back Again
  • The Hobbit or There And Back Again
  • The Hobbit or There And Back Again
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The Hobbit or There And Back Again International edition. 1 of 3 possible covers will be delivered

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The Hobbit or There And Back Again

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J. R. R. Tolkien





'One of the best loved characters in English fiction... a marvellous fantasy adventure'
Daily Mail

'Finely written saga of dwarves and elves, fearsome goblins and trolls... an exciting epic of travel, magical adventure, working up to a devastating climax'
The Observer

'A flawless masterpiece'
The Times









J. R. R. Tolkien





Maße (L/B/H)

17,6/11/3 cm


220 g





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2 Bewertungen

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Hat mir gefallen

Bewertung am 24.02.2023

Bewertungsnummer: 1887249

Bewertet: eBook (ePUB)

Wer die Bücher Herr der Ringe gerne gelesen hat, sollte auch hier einen Blick hineinwerfen. Schönes Buch und nicht so umfangreich wie die Triologie von Herr der Ringe. Stimmungsvoll und spannend.

Hat mir gefallen

Bewertung am 24.02.2023
Bewertungsnummer: 1887249
Bewertet: eBook (ePUB)

Wer die Bücher Herr der Ringe gerne gelesen hat, sollte auch hier einen Blick hineinwerfen. Schönes Buch und nicht so umfangreich wie die Triologie von Herr der Ringe. Stimmungsvoll und spannend.


Tolkien is it

Stephanie aus Neuenhof am 19.01.2022

Bewertungsnummer: 1641044

Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

There's so much to love about this story. There won't be enough space to tell you exactly how much I enjoyed this story, but I'll try my best. Tolkien's style of writing is right up my alley! The humour, the sass, the beautiful sentences *-* I will say that I could've done with a more thrilling and suspenseful style (especially in high stake scenes - when Bilbo and the dwarves were in a tight spot), but I believe that's just not really how one wrote back in the day. Still, the amount of imagination and creativity this man possessed is astounding, and I can't wait to find out even more about Middle Earth with "The Lord of the Rings" and countless other tales and information on this world. Ultimately, I can say that I enjoyed reading our grumpy dwarves, sassy Gandalf, and kind-hearted Bilbo. The small Hobbit quickly became my most favourite character in the story and I wish we would all take a leaf out of his book. Because, just like in the book, I believe our world would be quite a lovely place if we were a bit more like Bilbo. Ps: It was interesting to see how much of the book was in the films, and which scenes and storylines Peter Jackson and Co. left out or added.

Tolkien is it

Stephanie aus Neuenhof am 19.01.2022
Bewertungsnummer: 1641044
Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

There's so much to love about this story. There won't be enough space to tell you exactly how much I enjoyed this story, but I'll try my best. Tolkien's style of writing is right up my alley! The humour, the sass, the beautiful sentences *-* I will say that I could've done with a more thrilling and suspenseful style (especially in high stake scenes - when Bilbo and the dwarves were in a tight spot), but I believe that's just not really how one wrote back in the day. Still, the amount of imagination and creativity this man possessed is astounding, and I can't wait to find out even more about Middle Earth with "The Lord of the Rings" and countless other tales and information on this world. Ultimately, I can say that I enjoyed reading our grumpy dwarves, sassy Gandalf, and kind-hearted Bilbo. The small Hobbit quickly became my most favourite character in the story and I wish we would all take a leaf out of his book. Because, just like in the book, I believe our world would be quite a lovely place if we were a bit more like Bilbo. Ps: It was interesting to see how much of the book was in the films, and which scenes and storylines Peter Jackson and Co. left out or added.


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The Hobbit

von J. R. R. Tolkien


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Jolina Gold

Thalia Dortmund – Thier-Galerie

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The dragon is withered...his splendour is humbled

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

"The Hobbit" could have been Tolkien's magnum opus, but "The Silmarillion" has claimed that title for itself. However, that does not diminish the greatness of his first published novel. I initially read "The Hobbit" when I was 9. Since then, it has been transformed into a permanent fixture in my life, and I reread it at least yearly, despite the fact that it was originally intended for children. But then again, that is precisely what makes it so great. W.H. Auden was right when he said that "there are good books which are only for adults because their comprehension presupposes adult experiences, but there are no good books which are only for children." and "The Hobbit" just so happens to be the perfect example. With its iconic cast of characters, beautifully written prose, adventurous plot, mesmerizing world-building, and captivating portrayal of its primary villain, the sentient dragon Smaug, this book is still as enjoyable to me as it was when I was 9 years old, if not even more.
  • Jolina Gold
  • Buchhändler/-in

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The dragon is withered...his splendour is humbled

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

"The Hobbit" could have been Tolkien's magnum opus, but "The Silmarillion" has claimed that title for itself. However, that does not diminish the greatness of his first published novel. I initially read "The Hobbit" when I was 9. Since then, it has been transformed into a permanent fixture in my life, and I reread it at least yearly, despite the fact that it was originally intended for children. But then again, that is precisely what makes it so great. W.H. Auden was right when he said that "there are good books which are only for adults because their comprehension presupposes adult experiences, but there are no good books which are only for children." and "The Hobbit" just so happens to be the perfect example. With its iconic cast of characters, beautifully written prose, adventurous plot, mesmerizing world-building, and captivating portrayal of its primary villain, the sentient dragon Smaug, this book is still as enjoyable to me as it was when I was 9 years old, if not even more.

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The Hobbit or There And Back Again

von J. R. R. Tolkien

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