In a world where magic fades and mythical beings vanish, a lone Naiad, Helen, one of the last of her kind, navigates the shadows of obscurity. Unbeknownst to her, a relentless hunter stalks her every move, threatening her very existence. Amidst the looming danger, fate intertwines Helens path with that of a human, Adrian, whose heart unlocks emotions she never knew existed. As forbidden love blossoms between two worlds, Helen struggles to evade her hunter's pursuit while embracing the complexities of her newfound emotions. Will Helen break free from the hunter's clutches to embrace a life of authenticity and love, or will she find herself as prey trapped in the hunter's grasp? What will she do to calm the waves in her lake?
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An Intriguing and Engaging Book
Bewertung am 04.09.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2283747
Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)
A good and engaging read. Couldn't put the book down till I completed it. My favorite aspect of the book is the detailing of the pictures(really suitable for the theme of the book). I would love to read an Epilogue though.
A compelling and captivating read
Bewertung am 02.09.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2281941
Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)
The author's words painted a vivid picture, creating an immersive narration. The writing style was engaging and descriptive. Love & revenge were intertwined carefully, creating tension and drama throughout the book. I was hooked by the constant sense of anticipation. Definitely worth a read!
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