Gebundene Ausgabe
mit 5 Farbabbildungen
Maße (L/B/H)
20,9/13,2/0,8 cm
158 g
Deutsch, Englisch
Life is a funny thing, don¿t you think? Living is so complex, there¿s so much to experience, to decide, to figure out, to gain, to loose, to feel... So far I have not figured out a lot, if I¿m being honest. And I think that¿s okay. Life happens wether you have figured it out or not. And you feel wether you want to or not. And the thing with feeling is, that I often find myself tangeld up in it. Tangled up in emotions I can¿t quite place. And you know what, I think that¿s okay too. I believe most of us feel that way, we feel strongly and wildly and that¿s so beautiful. Isn¿t that what connects us all? Feeling while we¿re all trying to navigate this human experience. Often when I feel something, wether I can understand it or not - I write. I hope that when you read some or even all of these words I¿ve put together in this book you can find yourself somewhere between the lines.
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